December 14, 2008


Our newly acquired friend and apparent DMF blog reader has started to cite our sources for us. Therefore I may not have to provide them if Anonymous continues this good deed.

 Yes, Anonymous is right, I have received most of my influence from Kanye West's blog. Why not? He is a great man and a fashion pioneer. I feel that Kanye's thoughts should be shared with everyone, so for those that do not read Kanye's blog, or any other blog for that matter, I have picked through the material I enjoy and material that I think the DMF crew would appreciate. Then, I post it here. Doesn't every blog do the same? Someone has to find the original source to then provide it on their blog. Its a waterfall effect and it is how we share and inspire. Spreading the word on the latest fashions and styles and art and architecture and music can't possibly be a bad thing to do. 

But, a new feature will be provided for all of our readers, yes, even you Anonymous; the links to where my sources have come from. Now everyone can see that it is not just Kanye's influence, but an abundance of sources. I will continue to showcase the clothing, art, architecture, music that I see fit to be spread to the DMF crew. Thanks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put Chest