December 9, 2008

Corporate Alliance: Dazzle & Invisionit

This will be the first of (hopefully) many posts I will orchestrate strictly dedicated to the companies that we have partnered with. There have been a couple, so I will start with the most recent: Invisionit, LLC. 

Dazzle was recently approached by Gretchen Fierle, CEO of Invisionit, LLC and she was really stoked on what our company had been doing, what our intentions were, and how we present ourselves. She said she had heard some great things about our events and the people that we connect with are the same people that she targeted for her market. She told me all about herself and what she had in mind: Invisionit LLC is a service company that completes personality assessments for young adults between the ages of 16 and 26 to determine natural strengths and passions. Gretchen asked Dazzle to offer some branding/design ideas for her clients to receive post-testing on merchandise. Since then, DMF & Invisionit have been tossing ideas back and forth and have been coming up with some great ideas. Here is a sample:

I will be attending one of her sessions later this month on Dec. 29th, I encourage you to join me. All of her company's information is at their website: here. Find yourself. 

Check back for more updates regarding the Dazzle/Invisionit alliance. 


(Listen to Jason Mraz)

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