June 23, 2009

Burnin' Up

Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking my first trip to the beach of the summer! It was a perfect day for it, the temperature hovered around a solid 75 degrees and I was burning up out on the sand tossing the Kan-Jam frisbee around. Any of our non-Buffalo readers should check out the official Kan-Jam website to see what I am talking about. By the end of the day when I got back home I was looking like a fresh boiled lobster. Straight up, it hurts. I was rocking some SPF 4 for my first trip this summer which wasn't such a smart idea. Should have went for some 15 I suppose. Anyways, if you see me and I am peeling like a maniac, you'll know why.

After soothing my tanning wounds for a bit I was readying myself for a meeting with the members of Dazzle still at home. Brett, Stephen, Corey and I sat down for about 2 hours yesterday and got a lot of solid work done and keeping the wheels of Dazzle in motion with Seabass on the road and Brett to soon be departing to Rome, Italy for the month of July. Our new caps should be hitting us soon and the ordering of new tees is upon us! Very exciting! Keep in touch to hear of the finalized release date and party for Dazzle Me Formal's fall line.


Check out these photos from Bass' iPhone on tour! Amazin'

I have started to mix my own Palmer, life is easy!

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