October 1, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been running around so much lately I will admit I have been neglecting my blogging. However, tonight is pretty special, to me. The NHL season started tonight! I don't know how many of our Dazzle followers are hockey fans, but myself, Brett and Sean are. This beginning of hockey season also puts into perspective the time of year. It is Fall, the start of the month of October, and one more month closer to winter and snow here in Buffalo! It's exciting.

On to a more important subject that includes everyone, Thanks a lot for purchasing, looking at, or talking about our new Fall 2009 Smooth Criminal line. It is such an accomplishment to see how nine months of work can pay off. We're seeing product move and plan to explore even more ways to take Dazzle Me Formal to the next level. There are still quantities of tees and caps left, don't wait, most of the product is a limited run!

I've also been in communication with Seabass as he has been on the road with The Secret Handshake for the AP Tour. A few days ago Bass sent me some photos from his recent stop in Chicago, IL. Now, personally I have never been to Chi-town, however these photos make me pretty jealous. I am a big city fan and I am thinking that I will be adding Chicago to my "cities to see" list.


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